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PhaZair Compressor

Metro Sales are proud to offer the 230 range of PhaZair compressors – one of the largest single phase screw compressors available! Our PhaZair range include an electronic control unit ‘K TRONIC 5,’ which seamlessly manages all compressor functions including the loading/idling cycles, working hours, oil temperature, working pressure, and alerts. Buying options include receiver mounted compressor and receiver mounted compressor with dryer.

If you  need help or advice, please give us a call: 01932 348777

Phazair blue logo
Phazair compressor mounted on a 270Lreceiver tank

PhaZair Screw Compressor Floor Mounted Cabinets

Original price was: £6,939.00.Current price is: £4,262.00. (inc.vat £5,114.40)
Original price was: £7,244.00.Current price is: £4,202.00. (inc.vat £5,042.40)

PhaZair Tank Mounted Compressors

Original price was: £7,528.00.Current price is: £4,366.00. (inc.vat £5,239.20)
Original price was: £7,528.00.Current price is: £4,366.00. (inc.vat £5,239.20)

PhaZair Tank Mounted Compressor with Dryer

Original price was: £9,532.00.Current price is: £5,528.00. (inc.vat £6,633.60)
Original price was: £9,532.00.Current price is: £5,528.00. (inc.vat £6,633.60)

PhaZair Compressor FAQ

No, you will need a 40 amp single phase supply for the compressor, though if you have chosen a model with dryer it will need a separate 13 amp socket.

These compressors have settings which are completely adjustable by the user to adopt any power input from 2.2kW up to 5.5kW, providing air capacities up to 27.5 cfm/ or 780 litres per minute of free air delivery (FAD).

Looks can be deceiving! It may look like it’s going to be loud, but at only 69 decibels, that’s the equivalent to a normal conversation! That’s really impressive for such a powerful machine.

Easy to use and Maintain

These user friendly machines boast an anti-condensation system that protects sensitive equipment and promotes longer life. Plus, the energy-saving variable speed control keeps your operating costs low without compromising power. And for added peace of mind, the Phazair range prioritises high safety standards and simple maintenance.